Thursday, 1 December 2011

Christmas and Osteopathy

The first day of December. There is something special about this day because it officially marks the start of the month of Christmas. And even though the stores would like us to think of Christmas earlier with Black Fridays and Cyber Mondays, and Christmas decorations going up soon after Halloween or at the latest after American Thanksgiving, there is something still innocent about the first day of December. It doesn’t have the same marketing or hype as those other days, in contrast it quietly arrives like the calm before the storm. And it is in this solitude that I am inspired by how Christmas is like Osteopathy.

I have been inspired a lot this year, and you can read my thoughts through my blogs, moments of when I was able to capture in words how art, cooking, friendships, poker, and even golf are like Osteopathy. And so getting into the holiday spirit, I think the time is right to see how Christmas is like our health.

Soon, there will be Christmas shopping, Christmas cooking and Christmas everything all around us. It will be the happiest of times for some, and a sad time for others. But I think how we feel is not based on the time of year, but more on who we are. I think it is like winning the lottery because I don’t think money changes us, it just makes us more of the person who we really are. If we are generous before we won the lottery, I think we would be generous after; and the opposite is true, it doesn’t matter if that person had won one hundred dollars or one million dollars. Thus, I think at Christmas time, it will bring out the person inside us more. If we are kind, then I think this time of year brings that out even more with the many opportunities to give, either to charity or to family and friends. If we are anxious and easily stressed throughout the year, then this may be an especially stressful time of year. 

And so I think our health is a lot like this. Our body naturally wants to be healthy, it tells us when to yawn or stretch tight muscles, it hurts to warn us of compensation patterns and imbalances, and it sleeps to grow and refresh ourselves. But it is everyday and work-related stresses that add up and accumulate in our bodies to affect our health adversely. Similar to how Christmas can bring out the person who we really are, Osteopathy can restore our natural health so we can be as healthy as the person we really are. Christmas is a time of forgiving, when we can let go of the mental stresses from earlier in the year. Osteopathy is also a time, a time of healing for your body from the physical and mental stresses from earlier in the year. 

Osteopathy, similar to other therapies, can reduce muscle tension, improve joint range of motion, decrease nerve irritation and improve circulation, among other benefits through hands-on techniques with a holistic approach to your health. Just as it complements other forms of medicine, it also complements the holidays because our health is a combination of body, mind and spirit. Similar to how your local Osteopath might treat a part of you that you feel your doctor and his prescribed drugs miss, Osteopathy can also enhance the joys of Christmas too. Together, Christmas can bring out our inner happiness and goodwill to others, and Osteopathy can bring out our innate ability to be healthy and forgive all the aches and pains from the year before.

Thus, Christmas and Osteopathy can have similar benefits on our health, just in different ways. They complement each other, like traditional and alternative medicine. Similar to how Christmas can bring out the best in us, Osteopathy like other therapies can bring out the health in us. And similar to how Christmas is a time to share, Osteopathy can also be shared, namely in patient referrals. So as my last blog of the year, I want to thank all my new and returning patients this year. I have been touched by the kind words you have said about me, the trust in your health you have given me, and the opportunity to improve it with Osteopathy. I wish you all a Healthy and Happy Holidays, and let’s make 2012 our healthiest year ever. 

Dickson Wong
Osteopathic Practitioner            

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